



职位:销售/业务发展经理 – 饮料行业




Position: Sales/BD Manager-Beverage

Report to: Sales /BD Director – Beverage

Subordinate: 0

Location: No requirement

Company profile:

Ecolean was founded in 1996 with its headquarter in Helsingborg, Sweden. Ecolean group develops, manufactures and markets highly functional and cost-efficient packaging solutions with low environmental impact for the international food industry. Further information, please look through our website: www.ecolean.com


Key responsibilities:

•Generate opportunity leads, build connections with key decision makers, identify customer needs, cultivate in-depth relationship and achieve sales target;

•Analyze China beverage market, identify target segments, customize value proposition and create business strategies;

•Grow and manage key acount, understand customer’s business, and support Ecolean healthy growth together with customers;

•Collaborate with global sales team to develop global beverage accounts;

•Other sales routine tasks.

Qualifications and requirement:

•Possess good connections and relationship with various beverage producers, including MNCs, listed companies, private enterprises and new startups.

•Have tracking records and/or capabilities to handle equipment selling of large CAPEX, which is normally over 10-15 million RMB

•Have basic knowledge of beverage production and product marketing

•Minimal 10 years in sales or business development positions of related business

•Result-driven, creative, self-motivated


If you’re interested, please send your CV both in English and Chinese to the following email address:hrdept@ecolean.com.cn


职位: 销售/业务发展经理 – 饮料行业

汇报线:销售/业务发展总监 – 饮料行业

下属: 0

地点: 不限



爱克林(Ecolean) 成立于1996年,总部位于瑞典的赫尔辛堡。爱克林集团致力于研发、生产、销售高性能且高性价比的包装解决方案,为全球液态食品行业提供更少环境影响的包装产品。更多的信息,请参考: www.ecolean.com














如果您感兴趣,请发送您的中英文简历: hrdept@ecolean.com.cn








创建时间:2021-04-22 16:34
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